Why We Quit YouTube, and Why We Are NOT Coming Back!
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Collection of all newest videos by Taylor & Vanessa, ordered by most recent, including VANESSA CHEATS AGAIN! .... Blindfold Milkshake Challenge | Sis vs Sis, Whatever You DRAW, I'll BUY It Challenge, VANESSA CHEATS AGAIN! .... Blindfolded Slime Challenge, and more!
Collection of all prank war videos by Taylor & Vanessa, including VANESSA CHEATS AGAIN! .... Blindfold Milkshake Challenge | Sis vs Sis, VANESSA CHEATS AGAIN! .... Blindfolded Slime Challenge, Vanessa Cheated!! | Prank Wars Cake Challenge, and more!
Collection of all most popular videos by Taylor & Vanessa, ordered by most viewed, including VANESSA CHEATS AGAIN! .... Blindfold Milkshake Challenge | Sis vs Sis, Slime Wars: Blinfolded Edition with special guest Kayla Davis, SLIME SMOOTHIE BLINDFOLDED CHALLENGE || GIANT SLIME, and more!
Collection of all 24 hours overnight challenge videos by Taylor & Vanessa, including 24 HOURS OVERNIGHT CHALLENGE IN WALMART DOG FOOD FORT, SIS CAN’T SAY NO FOR 24 HOURS CHALLENGE, 24 HOURS OVERNIGHT CHALLENGE IN AN ABANDONED HOUSE, and more!
Collection of all shopping challenge videos by Taylor & Vanessa, including Whatever You DRAW, I'll BUY It Challenge, NO BUDGET SLIME SUPPLIES SHOPPING VLOG || SLIME SUPPLIES HAUL, Throwing a Dart at a Map & BUYING Whatever it Lands on CHALLENGE, and more!
Collection of all food challenge videos by Taylor & Vanessa, including VANESSA CHEATS AGAIN! .... Blindfold Milkshake Challenge | Sis vs Sis, SLIME SMOOTHIE BLINDFOLDED CHALLENGE || GIANT SLIME, Vanessa Cheated!! | Prank Wars Cake Challenge, and more!
Collection of all extreme 3 marker challenge videos by Taylor & Vanessa, including Extreme 3 Marker Challenge | The Grinch, Extreme 3 Marker Challenge | Rudolph, Extreme 3 Marker Challenge | Minnie Mouse, and more!
Collection of all twin telepathy videos by Taylor & Vanessa, including VANESSA CHEATS AGAIN! .... Blindfold Milkshake Challenge | Sis vs Sis, Mom Pranked Us Twin Telepathy Slime Challenge, Twin Telepathy Slime Challenge || SIS VS SIS || Round 3, and more!
Collection of all throwing a dart at a map challenge videos by Taylor & Vanessa, including Throwing a Dart at a Map & BUYING Whatever it Lands on CHALLENGE, Throwing a Dart at a Map and Made SLIME Challenge, We Let the Map Control our Lives for 24 hours, and more!