Easy RV Mods in our New Winnebago EKKO!
We show a lot of products and tools in this video, and the links to all of them can be found in this post on our website: https://www.thefitrv.com/rv-tips/easy... While a lot of the mods we undertake are large, involved, or complicated... they don't all have to be! These are some RV mods we've recently completed in our new Winnebago EKKO that almost everyone should be able to complete. Enjoy! -------------- Want to support what we do ? You can do it for FREE by shopping on Amazon with this link: https://amzn.to/2i8oAw2 -------------- CONNECT WITH US Website: https://www.thefitrv.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefitrv Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefitrv Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/thefitrv -------------- Stef's wardrobe provided by Aventura Clothing. http://bit.ly/aventura_the_fit_rv #aventuraclothing James' wardrobe provided by Ecoths. http://bit.ly/ecoths_the_fit_rv #ecoths
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