Have you been looking for down to earth, authentic content about traveling and living abroad, but you’re finding a lot of random information or things having to do with luxury travel and fancy expat jobs? Or maybe you’re new to this whole living abroad thing and don’t even know where to start? We were in your shoes over 10 years ago. Before moving abroad for the first time, we traveled through Europe before landing in Madrid, Spain to start our new lives. We were completely new at this whole living abroad thing and had not really traveled on our own much. Can you believe that we arrived in London with a literal GPS device to help with walking directions? We must have looked like complete idiots (this was before Smartphones though). At ExpatsEverywhere, our goal is to take your anxiety levels down to zero as we equip you with the information that you need to make a smooth transition abroad. Along the way, we hope to inspire you to travel more so that you can try tasty food, explore new environments, and broaden your perspective on life by learning about new cultures. Sound too good to be true? Just give us a try! We have video interviews from expats that have lived in a wide variety of places all around the world and they’ve held jobs in many different industries. These videos will give you a personal testimony of what it’s like living in a place that you’re interested in going. These are personal experiences and results may vary, but it’s a great starting point to get a feel for your future home. We also have city guides where you’ll learn tips on moving, living, and working in that city. We find these particularly helpful because the videos are relatively short and packed with information for you to consume on the go or while at home. We also follow a family’s expat vlog, that’s us, Josh & Kalie. They open their door and let you in on what it’s like living in their shoes. They really hold nothing back as you can even get to know their young daughter, Valencia, and tiny Yorkie, Pincho. So cute! The benefit of these vlogs is that Josh & Kalie show you the authentic process of moving and living abroad so that you’ll have a better idea of what to expect. So you’ve made it this far in the channel description, it’s time you do what you came here to do. Click the subscribe button, binge watch our videos, and feel free to email us any questions that you might have about the expat life. You can reach us at expatseverywhere@gmail.com We’ll be waiting to be Your Guide to a New Life Abroad. Questions? E-mail us at ExpatsEverywhere@gmail.com Want more? Go to http://www.expatseverywhere.com Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expatseveryw... Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/expatsevery... Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/expert_expat #ExpatsEverywhere Are you an expat and want to do an interview? Email us at ExpatsEverywhere@gmail.com!
Josh and Kalie move to Portugal. Follow this journey step by step as they show you what they did to move to Portugal on a D7 visa. There are 3 bonus resources included for people needing NIFs, Moving Pets, and selling items on Facebook Marketplace. Questions? E-mail us at ExpatsEverywhere@gmail.com Want more? Go to www.ExpatsEverywhere.com Follow us on Facebook: ExpatsEverywhere Follow us on Twitter: @expert_expat Follow us on Instagram: ExpatsEverywhere #ExpatsEverywhere
Watch expats talk about living and working in Singapore. Questions? E-mail us at ExpatsEverywhere@gmail.com Want more? Go to www.ExpatsEverywhere.com Follow us on Facebook: ExpatsEverywhere Follow us on Twitter: @expert_expat Follow us on Instagram: TheExpatTraveller #ExpatsEverywhere
Welcome to our Review Preview show series. Every Thursday, Josh and Kalie from ExpatsEverywhere will load a video giving a review of what's going on and preview of what's to come for the channel. They will highlight viewer comments so be sure to watch to see if your comment is featured. They will also answer common questions that they get asked a lot. Let us know what you want to see on these videos by commenting. Have a question you want us to answer? Email us at ExpatsEverywhere@gmail.com. Questions? E-mail us at ExpatsEverywhere@gmail.com Want more? Go to www.ExpatsEverywhere.com Follow us on Facebook: ExpatsEverywhere Follow us on Twitter: @expert_expat Follow us on Instagram: ExpatsEverywhere #ExpatsEverywhere