BB Ki Vines- | Din Hagna Da |
Babloo requests his son Bhuvan to accompany him to his old friend’s home which is also a wedding house. #DinHagnaDa #bbkivines #bhuvanbam ABOUT: Bhuvan Bam is a comedian, singer-songwriter, actor and entrepreneur. He created the entire universe of BB Ki Vines, a content power house, to see more of his content follow him on Instagram► Facebook► Twitter► and Checkout Bhuvan Bam Originals: Buy my merchandise from
Presenting BB Ki Vines' first ever web series 'Dhindora'. This one of a kind series has comedy, entertainment and drama. Watch how Bhuvan's life turns upside down after Babloo wins a lottery. Will the jackpot bring happiness or chaos in the lives of BB's family? Join this roller coaster ride where we get to see the problems faced by a middle class household. Bhuvan Bam has donned multiple hats that for the making of Dhindora - playing 10 characters, writing the story & dialogues, creating the characters & the universe, working hands on on the edit, background music & all the three songs in the series.