Kanishk and Tijo spend an entire workday with period cramp simulators attached to their bodies to see if they can bear the pain. Can they do it? Will they give up or better understand what women experience while on their periods? #periodpain #popxodaily #popxooriginals #periodcramps #periods To keep watching our videos, subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/2au0I7n Download the MyGlamm app: https://myglamm.in/NErGnUFgoob Visit the MyGlamm website: https://www.myglamm.com/ Come Visit Us On: https://www.popxo.com/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/popxodaily Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/popxodaily Tweet to us: https://twitter.com/POPxoDaily
Our expectations are always filled with fantasies where everything is perfect and smooth. But on the contrary, the reality is hilariously disappointing! POPxo presents these expectation VS reality moments in a funny way. These comedy videos will definitely make you laugh out loud!
From the dramatic type to the weird type, we all have met one such person whom we can't forget easily. Here are some funny people videos which will definitely make you laugh.
From the Best Friend Challenge to the One Product Makeup Challenge, the POPxo team loves to try them all! So sit back and enjoy our special challenge series that is definitely going to make you laugh out loud! So, which one are you going to do at home with your friends?
From the annoying things we get to hear to the amount of time we spend getting ready every morning, there are some things us girls always do but might not admit in front of everyone! :P Watch this compilation of funny videos, it's sure to make every girl laugh out loud!