Welcome to Our Channel (New channel intro)
Welcome to our channel. On our channel we talk about attaining a self-sufficient lifestyle. We cover things like: -Gardening -Canning -Emergency Preparedness -Food storage -Cooking -Debt Freedom/Budgeting -Financial Freedom (owning your own income stream) -DIY home repairs -Original music performance -RV travel Join our Live Simple, Live Free Face Book Group. http://www.facebook.com/groups/tinyho... General email: billk@kelleremail.com Shop or become a consultant at our Thrive Life food store. https://bkeller.thrivelife.com/index Would you like to earn a paycheck every time your neighbor goes grocery shopping? Every month! To learn more about becoming a Thrive Life consultant, text “thrive” (without the quotes) to (571) 248-5282 Do you have a home based business? I do weekly training sessions about how to market better, especially on Social Media. You can can find my marketing training in 3 different places. On You tube https://www.youtube.com/BillKellerOnline On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/billkelleron... My website https://www.billkelleronline.com Check out our Instagram account! https://www.instagram.com/livesimplel...
With the craziness happening in the world right now, prepping has become more important than ever! Here are a few ideas to help you get started.
A discussion of all aspects of our life in our RV tiny house.