100 easy science experiments at home with explanation in English - part 1 (1-50). They are very simple to do at home. Many people ask me about explanation for experiments, so today I did it. I am working on part 2, please support my channel when you love my videos. 0:00 Superabsorbent polymer powder (SAP powder) 0:58 Why is an Alcohol Flame Hard to See? 1:38 Why Water Protects a Balloon from a Candle 2:21 Instantly freeze water 3:40 Toilet Paper Trick 4:21 Optical illusions 5:23 Why Do White Roses Change Color in Colored Water? 6:23 Why doesn't a balloon pop when pressed to multiple nails 7:21 What is hot ice? Hot Ice experiment 8:43 Flying tea bag 9:13 Why Baking Soda and Vinegar Extinguish Candles? 9:50 Smoking bubble soap experiment with dry ice 10:24 Candle dance 10:57 Candle Vacuum Experiment 11:46 Carbon Sugar Snake Experiment 12:39 Cloud in a bottle experiment 13:36 Drain cleaner & aluminum can 14:39 Why ferrofluid form spikes? 15:33 Egg float & sink with salt experiment 16:22 Flat Sheet of Paper experiment 17:16 Heat Conduction of Glass Bottle 17:59 Homopolar motor 18:41 Hot and cold water experiment 19:43 Iron fillings and magnet 20:25 Magnetic braking experiment 21:20 Milk and Coke experiment 22:04 Pencil poke through Water Bag Experiment 22:46 Red cabbage experiment 23:35 Salt crystals tree 24:33 How to spin an egg? 25:38 Static electricity experiment with bubble soap 26:23 Steel wool & battery 27:18 A comb bends a water stream with Static electricity 27:49 The Floating Flame Lighter Trick 28:22 Turn water to wine experiment 28:56 Shining Coins with Vinegar and Salt 29:44 Water and sound wave experiment 30:46 Water rises- bottle and candle experiment 31:35 What Happens When You Put an Egg in Vinegar? Egg and Vinegar experiment 32:11 Color of salt flames 33:02 Why does Orange Peel Pop a Balloon? 33:28 Why doesn't the water spill out of an upside-down 34:24 Why Water Doesn’t Leak 34:50 Worm magnet slime 35:59 Burning a Plastic Cup with Water 36:34 DIY 3D Hologram at home 37:43 Why ping pong ball float on hair dryer 38:26 Drain cleaner and aluminum foil 39:13 The Fastest Way to Empty a Water Bottle 40:29 Benard cells experiment Subscribe to our Fun Science & YouTube Channel HERE ➡️ @Fun Science https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTn0... *OTHER VIDEOS BY* https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... PLAYLIST EASY EXPERIMENTS https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... *SOCIAL* Facebook: https://bit.ly/FunScienceExperiments Twitter: https://bit.ly/FunScienceExperiments *Subscribe My Channel* http://bit.ly/SubscribeC4K Barroom Ballet - Silent Film Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
