Download MM's App : & Experience the healing power for 396Hz. Today's track is inspired by Nicola Tesla's 3-6-9 code with the core sound frequency of 396Hz. This particular frequency is said to help with freeing oneself from fear, guilt, and trauma. The secret of the universe ------------------------------------------ Tesla was a lifelong believer in the power of the number 3, 6, and 9. He believed that these numbers were the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. In a 1931 interview, Tesla said, "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." Tesla was convinced that the number 3, 6, and 9 were the key to understanding the universe and its mysteries. ⓒ ℗ 2009 - 2022 Meditative Mind®. All Rights Reserved. Audio & Video for personal use only. Copying, re-uploading, sampling etc not permitted. #meditativemind #MM396Hz #Tesla
Sleep ASAP with our soothing long format tracks based on healing frequencies. 528 Hz | Brings Positive Transformation 417 Hz | Wipes out all the Negative Energy 741 Hz | Detoxifies the Body, Removes Toxins 639 Hz | Love, Connection and Relationships 852 Hz | Transform Cells to Higher Energy Systems 963 Hz | Pineal Gland Activation 174 Hz | Pain Relief Frequency 285 Hz | Heals Tissues 396 Hz | Overcome Guilt & Fear
Be among the first to enjoy our Best & Newest Releases which includes: 432Hz Music for Chakra & Aura Cleansing 741Hz Music for Detox, Magical Mantras like Prana Apana and music mixed with sounds such as Sea of Calm + much more Please save this playlist. This Includes all of our Latest Uploads. Fresh out of the Studio. Chants | Meditation Music | Mantras | Chakra Healing Music | Folk Music & Chants from Various Cultures and Some Genre Breaking Experiments like Music Derived from Interstellar Space Sounds and other Crazy but Calming and Peaceful Stuff!!
On selected fridays our original meditation music will be available for download and for completely free. Subscribe & Enable Notifications so that you do not miss out on these
Choose the Mantra with which you resonate the Most Ancient Mantras are one of the most powerful and effective healing tools we can all use.
Info on Healing Chakras -- 7 Chakras Healing, Balancing and Tuning | 7 Chakras Seed Mantra Chants | Sleep Chakra Meditation
The most comprehensive meditation channel on the planet featuring - Mantras - Chakra Healing Music & Chants - Healing Frequencies - Angelic Frequencies - World Music - Gregorian Chants - 432Hz Music - Indian Flute Music - Celtic Music and much more
30 Day Free Healing Camp will feature Guided Meditations, Chakra Healing Music, Healing Music and Meditations for Common Ailments, Healing Mantras and More. Stay Tuned and Save this Playlist.
Guided Meditations to get you started on your chakra healing & meditation journey.