Hey Sophie Fergi here! I hope you enjoy watching Handcuffed to my best friend for 24hrs !! In today's video, I am going to be handcuffed to my best friend @asherlara who will be stuck with me for the entire day. My main objective here is to be the most annoying person ever for 24 hours. If you wanna see more challenges, and pranks like this please LIKe this video Make sure you stay until the END for a special surprise!! And if you don't want BEEF SUBSCRIBE and become a TOFUNATOR so you never miss an upload!!! #HANDCUFFED #24hour #sasher vvv====My NEW video=====vvvv https://youtu.be/JmTdlMeA9Ho TO WIN FREE MERCH SUBSCRIBE TO MY SECOND channel !! https://www.youtube.com/sophiefergish... 💻Follow Sophie Fergi💻 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/soph1efergi Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SophieFergi Instagram: http://instagram.com/sophiefergi​ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FergiSophie​ TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@soph1efergi​ 👌SUBSCRIBE 👌 Asher Lara YOUTUBE: @a Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashhlasra TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/asher.lara 🎥 Camera Women 🎥 Ella Noel YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/ellanoel Instagram : https://instagram.com/ellnoel8 💻💻EDITING💻💻 Uncle Editor Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/uncleeditor Heather Nichole Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/just_heathe... 👚!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forevermore MERCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!👚 https://liveforevermore.co/
HEY GUYS, welcome to my PRANK VIDEOS playlist. Here you can find every prank that i've posted to my youtube channel. I do so many FUNNY pranks to my best friend Piper Rockelle, and my crush . Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to see more funny videos like these. #prank #FUNNY #crush