Giant man-eating crocs have killed dozens of villagers living near Lake Victoria. These beasts have become accustomed to humans and now prey on them, even capsizing fishing boats. Dangerous Encounters | S6, E2 Explore the World with National Geographic subscriptions: Watch more Lost Cities Revealed With Albert Lin on Disney+: Watch more Trafficked with Marianna Van Zeller on Disney+: Watch more A Real Bug’s Life on Disney+: Watch more Arctic Ascent with Alex Honnold on Disney+: Watch more Queens on Disney+: ➡ Subscribe: ➡ Get more Nat Geo Wild Full Episodes: ➡ Get more Nat Geo Full Episodes: And check out more National Geographic series and specials here: ➡ Disney Plus: ➡ Hulu: ➡ NGTV app ➡ ABC app #DangerousEncounters #FullEpisode #NatGeoWILD About Nat Geo Wild: National Geographic Wild is a place for all things animals and for animal-lovers alike. Take a journey through the animal kingdom with us and discover things you never knew before, or rediscover your favorite animals! Get More Nat Geo Wild: Official Site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Man-Eating Crocodiles (Full Episode) | Dangerous Encounters Nat Geo Wild
Dive into the animal action with some of the most popular episodes from shows like Savage Kingdom, Animal Fight Night, World's Deadliest and more!
Watch the newest videos on Nat Geo Wild. Featuring full-length documentaries, Full Episodes, and clips from some of your favorite series including Savage Kingdom, World's Deadliest, and Animal Fight Night.
Cesar Millan from Cesar Milan: Better Human, Better Dog, Dog Whisperer, and Cesar 911 is here to save the day! Cesar is a Renowned dog behaviorist who demonstrates the skills needed to create happy homes with furry best friends while equipped with a can-do attitude! Check out the best of Cesar Millan with this canine filled playlist! #cesarmillan #dogwhisperer
With 100,000 patients, Dr. Pol has seen it all. Specializing in large farm animals, this senior is anything but retiring as he takes an old school, no-nonsense approach to veterinary medicine. Unflappable and unstoppable, this Doc routinely puts in 14-hour days and is a legend in the community. In this series, we travel with Dr. Pol across rural Michigan to care for every family pet and head of livestock in need of his expertise.
World’s Deadliest Predators is a new series that looks at most riveting moments of animal predation, breaking down the struggle for survival and supremacy into five action-packed episodes. Top Hunters focuses on the most feared animals in their class: animals at the top of their food chain; the hunters who are prey to no other animal. Killer Packs illustrates when predators multiply their advantage over prey by banding with others of their species to hunt. Lethal Weapons shows that the physical attributes and built-in concealed weapons have the ability to make an animal a top predator. Our Superpowers episode focuses on the animals that see, hear, and smell better than any others…and that relative to their size on are the fastest and strongest creatures on the planet. And whether it is over food, territory or sex, animals go to war within their species and against other species…Battles dissects these conflicts, from the strategy to the play-by-play. These five episodes bring together dozens of species, which are extraordinary, savage, and the World’s Deadliest Predators.