Get cozy on the couch with Zach and Reggie as they re-tell favourite stories for children like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Gingerbread Man, Humpty Dumpty and The Three Little Pigs.
This is the best nursery rhymes playlist for toddler learning and preschool by Pancake Manor! Enjoy your favourite kids songs and baby songs like Old MacDonald Had a Farm, The Gingerbread Man, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on a Bed, Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall, The Wheels on the Bus, Finger Family Song and more! This playlist is perfect for toddler learning and preschool.
Reb hosts 15-minute episodes designed to engage and educate toddlers and preschoolers! These videos combine interactive segments, quizzes, conversations with Zach and Reggie and our music videos. You might even see yourself in one of these videos if you're a super fan! Subscribe and stay tuned for more of these preschool videos in the future!
In this segment, we open real letters from real kids all over the world! Jimbo, Pancake Manor's unique dragon mailbox, lets Zach and Reggie know when there's fresh mail because his nose starts smoking. Zach and and Reggie are always delighted to receive a letter and chat with Jimbo.
Babies, toddlers and preschoolers will all enjoy this series designed to learn colors through Pancake Manor's original pop music color songs for kids! Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue,, Purple, and Pink each have their own original color songs and music videos. You won't find another color collection like it!
Learn to count and say the alphabet with Pancake Manor! These videos teach 123 and ABC through song and are designed for toddler learning and preschool aged children.