I bought a ranch...
The past 6 months has been something else. We've moved out of San Francisco up to the Sierra Nevada! It's been a welcome change so far and we couldn't be happier. The place we bought has two homes, one we stay in and one we want to offer to you, as subscribers and viewers first. The "Lookout Tower" featured in this video isn't quite ready. We're still working on a few things before we can make it available, but we have another cabin that can sleep 7-8 adults plus some children too. That one is available and it has 8 acres attached that you can explore and hang out on! We're going to be renting it for about $250 a night, but as subcribers to this channel I want to offer it to you for $150 a night to come up and enjoy the mountains! There are many pictures of the 3 story cabin if you'd like to see them, and if you decide you'd like to stay, please use the discount code "Fishermanslife" for the reduced price. Send a message and we can arrange your stay, and I'll be happy to meet you at the cabin!! https://www.gosierrafoothills.com/ https://www.fishermanslife.net https://www.youtube.com/@AManAndHisLand