Idaho & Colorado Mule Deer | With Jordan Budd
In this episode, Jordan Budd hits two western states in search of mule deer bucks. With Idaho and Colorado tags in her pocket, hopes and anticipation are rocky mountain high. After a lot of miles in the boots and through the glass, Jordan can't turn up the right Idaho buck. So it's off to Colorado with a change in the weather and hopes of better rut activity. After scouring and exploring ideal deer habitat, Jordan digs up the deer she's been looking for. Presented by Sig Sauer #fueledbynature #meateater ---------------- Check out the gear the MeatEater Crew uses in the field here: Follow us: Web: Instagram: Facebook:
Clay Newcomb is a 7th-generation Arkansan that grew up in the Ouachita Mountains. He's a hunter, mule skinner, curious naturalist, and observer of rural culture. He's also a writer, filmmaker, and host of the Bear Grease Podcast.
Introducing MeatEater Rough Cuts: an ungoverned series that’ll give you a closer look at Steven Rinella as a human and a hunter. #fueledbynature
Steven Rinella is the host of the long-running television show MeatEater and top-ranked MeatEater podcast. He is the New York Times bestselling author of ten books dealing with wildlife, hunting, fishing, and wild game cooking, most recently Outdoor Kids in an Inside World: Getting Your Family Out of the House and Radically Engaged with Nature and the audio original, MeatEater's Campfire Stories: Narrow Escapes and More Close Calls. He is the recipient of the Conservation Achievement Award from The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership.
From elk hunting on the vast Zumwalt Prairie Preserve to waterfowl hunting the rice fields of California, MeatEater’s Director of Conservation Ryan “Cal” Callaghan is known to have some interesting weeks. He’s taking his Cal’s Week in Review podcast into the field for this new series, tune in and follow along for a detailed look into Cal’s happenings. Listen to Cal's Week in Review here:
A collection of our favorite whitetail hunts, guaranteed to get you fired up and informed for chasing America's favorite big game animal.