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The Sound Of Intercession - Apostolic/Prophetic Prayer and Worship Music
2015Aug 27
Instrumental Intercessory Prayer and Apostolic Music This is a must have prophetic instrumental for Prayer, Worship, Deliverance, and Altar Calls. With the current revival of prayer and intercession, it is my goal and responsibility to dedicate this album to every house that will respond to the call of prayer. In this season, where our churches have become consumed by preaching and teaching, God is requiring that his church begin to rebuild the altar of prayer. "For it is written, my house shall be called a house of prayer..." Matthew 21:13 If You would like to sow into the ministry of Prophet Nathaniel Coe III: Please Visit my Facebook Page for up to date information:   / prophetnatecoe3 - The Heart Of A Minstrel   / natecoe3 For all booking requests, please visit us at Affirmed as an Apostle, Nathaniel is an anointed and gifted Minstrel, Teacher and Preacher who ministers in the Apostolic and Prophetic dimensions of Christ (Ephesians 4:11). Under the leadership of Apostle Alexander Thompson Of The Ever Abundant Life Church in Darby, PA, Prophet Nate excels in the areas of Spiritual Warfare, Deliverance, and Moving in the Prophetic. Nate's Apostolic assignment on the earth is to train leaders for Kingdom Agenda's.

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Nathaniel Coe III

50.5K subscribers
Prophetic Worship Series - Nathaniel Coe III (Apostolic/Prophetic Worship, Prayer, Intercession and Soaking Instrumental Music)
by Nathaniel Coe III