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Joiner's Bench Bundle: Everything About the Bench
This bundle includes complete instructions for building the bench, including a stock list and cut list. You also get all of the work-holding options, like the planing stop and crochet. Also included are the complete plans for the Big Leg Vise, including all the hardware and detailed shaping and fitting instructions.
Plans: The Advanced Joiner's Mallet
Anyone can make a mallet, but if you want to copy a special historical design with fantastic details and ergonomics, these plans will guide you through the build from stock selection to final finishing.
Specialty Plane Bundle
This one set of plans is all you need in order to make 5 quality and inexpensive planes, with the Roubo Winding Sticks as a special inclusion. Featuring updated graphics you get plans for the: Grooving Plane Spokeshave Rabbet Plane Router Plane Adjustable Jointer Plane
Quick-Stack Workbench
The Quick Stack Workbench is an affordable, beginner-friendly design based of the traditional European cabinet-maker’s bench. For novice & experienced woodworkers alike, it is an efficient build that doesn’t require much wood. Knock-down joinery helps make this lightweight bench quick & easy to move around. This design is right at home in a standard shop, but you can also set it up in a spare room, or even on your driveway & get right to work.
Minimum Timber Bench
For hand tool OR power tool woodworkers, the Minimum Timber Bench is an affordable, beginner-friendly English-style workbench. It’s an efficient build using just a few boards of construction lumber. This design is right at home in a standard shop, but you can also set it up in a spare room, or even on your driveway and get right to work. Best of all, these plans come with a 20% off coupon code for the Minimum Timber Bench Course.
Traditional Saw Benches
The sawbench used to be a part of every shop. With its easy workholding and powerful ergonomics, this compact bench lets you saw faster with less fatigue. Get on top of your work, see your line clearly and power through those tough cuts with a traditional sawbench. These plans include complete details for TWO benches: the English and the Swedish. Both designs are effective and durable. Even a beginner can tackle these builds. The joinery is simple and you can get all the wood at the Big Box store. Stop sawing at your high workbench. Your back will thank you!
The incredible English Joiner's Bench
Make a full-size, hand-tool work bench that's also fast, easy, and cheap. More video and exclusive content:   / rexkrueger   Complete Joiner's Bench Bundle (40 pages, full color, only $20): Get the FREE Plans!!!!: -------------------------------------- Take the NEW Minimum Timber Bench Course!: -------------------------------------- Take the Quick Stack Workbench Course!: Tools in this build (affiliate): Wooden Handscrew Clamp: Fasteners: Liquid Nails Construction Adhesive: Caulk Gun: Ball Pein Hammer: Wood Work for Humans Tool List (affiliate): Stanley 12-404 Handplane: Honing Guide: Green buffing compound: Cheap metal/plastic hammer for plane adjusting: Spade Bits: Metal File: (I don't own this one, but it looks good and gets good reviews. DOESN'T NEED A HANDLE) My favorite file handles: Block Plane Iron (if you can't find a used one): Stanley Marking Knife: Mini-Hacksaw: Blue Kreg measuring jig: Blue Handled Marples Chisels: Suizan Dozuki Handsaw: Vaughan Ryoba Handsaw: Glue Dispenser Bottle: Orange F Clamps: Blue Painters Tape: Round-head Protractor: 5 Minute Epoxy: Dewalt Panel Saw: Plans, t-shirts, and hoodies: Get my woodturning book: Follow me on Instagram: @rexkrueger

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Rex Krueger

481K subscribers