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Enrico Caruso Santa Lucia
2009Feb 13
A digitally remastered version of the original recording from 20th of March 1916. I generally don't like these remasterings as Caruso's voice is often distorted, but this one is OK I think and more palatable for most listeners. For more Caruso info visit my website: Santa Lucia is a traditional Neapolitan song. It was transcribed by Teodoro Cottrau (1827-1879) and published by the Cottrau firm, as a "barcarolla", at Naples in 1849. Cottrau translated it from Napuletano into Italian during the first stage of the Risorgimento, the first Neapolitan song to be given Italian lyrics. Its transcriber, who is very often credited as its composer, was the son of the French-born Italian composer and collector of songs Guillaume Louis Cottrau (1797-1847). The Neapolitan lyrics of "Santa Lucia" celebrate the picturesque waterfront district, Borgo Santa Lucia, in the Bay of Naples, in the invitation of a boatman to take a turn in his boat, the better to enjoy the cool of the evening. Italian Lyrics: Sul mare luccica l'astro d'argento Placida è l'onda, prospero è il vento Sul mare luccica l'astro d'argento Placida è l'onda, prospero è il vento Venite all'agile barchetta mia Santa Lucia, santa Lucia Venite all'agile barchetta mia Santa Lucia, santa Lucia Con questo zeffiro, così soave O, com'è bello star sulla nave Con questo zeffiro, così soave O, com'è bello star sulla nave Su passeggeri, venite via Santa Lucia, santa Lucia Su passeggeri, venite via Santa Lucia, santa Lucia O dolce Napoli, o suol beato Ove sorridere volle il creato O dolce Napoli, o suol beato Ove sorridere volle il creato Tu sei l'impero dell'armonia Santa Lucia, santa Lucia Tu sei l'impero dell'armonia Santa Lucia, santa Lucia

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