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Pencilmate's New SCHOOL UNIFORM!? | Animated Cartoons | Animated Short Films | Pencilmation
2020Aug 25
Pencilmate learns the secret to writing cursive. Subscribe: Pencilmation Merchandise: 🔔 Watch the NEWEST videos:    • The Pencilmation Series | Pencilmation   Follow Pencilmation on Facebook:   / pencilmation   Instagram:   / pencilmation_official   Watch more Pencilmation:    • Season 18 | Pencilmation   Popular Uploads:    • Most POPULAR Cartoons | Pencilmation   Compilations:    • Compilations | Pencilmation   Cartoons:    • Most Popular Cartoons | Pencilmation ...   4:28 - CHEESE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE Pencilmate can't let Pencilmate cut the cheese! Will he save the poor cheese for it's fate?! 7:20 - ALL THUMBS Pencilmate has a newfound TALENT as a THUMB WRESTLING EXTRAORDINAIRE... but will he be able to become THE CHAMPION?? 10:53 - FULL HOUSEMATE Pencilmate is homeless! Will everything work out for Pencilmate? 13:06 - THE IPODD COUPLE Pencilmate and Pencilmiss have an argument.. WHO HAS THE BETTER MUSIC?! 16:09 - THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT Pencilmate tries his best to fall asleep but can't!! What's keeping him awake?! 18:28 - HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS Harry Potter Pencilmation style is back! Follow Harry in our summed up version of the second book. 22:05 - ICING ON THE SKATE Pencilmate presents a very unique ice skating routine. 23:12 - MAN OF THE FLOWER Pencilmate grows into a particular kind of flower and catches the eye of a lonely little grey cloud. 25:09 - FLIM FEMME Pencilmate learns that the more is not always the merrier… 27:09 - UNFARTED TERRITORY Mini P gasses out Pencilmate. Pencilmate's New SCHOOL UNIFORM!? | Animated Cartoons | Animated Short Films | Pencilmation ABOUT PENCILMATION : Pencilmation is a cartoon channel for everyone, especially not-too-serious grown-ups. It is made with love and a lot of fun by an international team helmed by Ross Bollinger who started the channel alone in his room a long time ago. Follow the new, wacky, and often times quite silly adventures of Pencilmate, Little Blue Man, Pencilmiss and other toons every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. CREDITS FOR SCRIBE ME A RIVER Executive Producer - Ross Bollinger Producer - Brien Hart Associate Producer & Additional Writer - Ama Bollinger Story Editor & Additional Writer - Sonia Likhari Script - Andrew Martin Additional Writers - Jared Woods & Joe West Director - Francis Florencio Director's Assistant - Ed Niño Toledo Storyboards - Neil Kohney Palette - Lauryn Anthony Animatic - Laverne Moi Lead Animation & Inbetween Animation - Alex Aranzamendez Lead Animation, Inbetween Animation, Animation Revisions & Compositing - Mike Campbell Layouts - Vladimir Jocson Backgrounds - Paula Resende Coloring - Olivia Pearce Music - Brendan Cooney Voice Characterization - Joe Porter Sound Design - Strelok & Navaro Thumbnail Director - Ashlyn Brandenberger Thumbnail Illustrator - Alexander Cloos Compilation Editor - Tiffany Kao Production Manager - Tess Mendoza Production Coordinator - Greg Pearce & Tyler S. Woll Production Analyst - Cameron Jones #pencilmation, #animatedshortfilms, #animatedcartoonscharacters, #top10animation, #foodanimation, #funnyvideos, #comedy, #comedyvideos, #cartoonmovie, #funnyclips, #compilation, #animation, #cartoon, #pencilmate, #pencilmiss, #funnycartoon, #splendidcartoon, #2danimation, #cartoonseries, #newcartoon, #fun, #america

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