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Super Capacitor 'Battery' Bank Construction Video
2017Apr 18
During this construction video I'll show you how to make a SuperCapacitor bank. These SuperCap's by Maxwell can output some impressive current! Wiring diagram & schematic: Parts used: 6x Maxwell Boostcap, 2600F, 2.5v, Model: BCAP0010 500mm of 2gauge insulated copper wire (Red & Black) 4x 2gauge copper lugs 12x 16mm long, M8 bolts & washers 2x 22mm long, 3/4" bolts (to fit zinc battery terminals) 5x M4 x 8mm long, capscrews 1 set of Zinc battery posts (eBay link: 12v battery voltmeter (eBay link: 1x 12mm mini monetary switch (eBay link: 1x 6 channel 2.5volt balance board (eBay link: 6x mini heatsinks (eBay link: 4x M3 x 12mm long brass standoffs (eBay link: 4x M3 x 6mm long screws 4x M3 nuts Acrylic box 3D part files: Information provided in this video is for educational purposes only. If you attempt to recreate/replicate anything you’ve seen in this Or any other video, you’re doing so at your own risk.

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