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Wild Goose Chase
It's a peaceful day at the Mushroom Kingdom, and there's a horrible goose. It took Mario's hat away, and he and his friends want it back. Hilarity ensues. This is the last video of 2019, and boy it has been a wild ride for Crispy Toast Productions. I worked on this for around 2 months give or take, and I had to record numerous takes and animate multiple ragdolls just to get this thing completed. I used a different recorder this time because FRAPS itself is outdated as heck. Not to mention I added little doodles to the video just for good measure. And I had to juggle around between side jobs and this because... I have to expect the unexpected. It is kind of a hassle too. So what kind of things will happen for Crispy Toast in 2020? Who knows? Maybe some surprises might pop up every now and then. Ya just gotta keep on toasting... which is a metaphor of moving forward. Crispy Toast Discord:   / discord  

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Crispy Toast

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