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How to Repair a Broken Clay Drainage Pipe
2016Jun 27
In this video I will be showing you how I repaired a drainage pipe in my garden that had been shattered by the roots of a bush. You can buy me a coffee here or become a monthly member to unlock Discord forum membership, exclusive content and automatic entry into my FREE Monthly Giveaway. Thank you SO SO much!! You can now access my 🛠Charlie DIYte Amazon Tool Store here - where you'll find all my tried, tested and much loved DIY tools arranged into handy categories. A couple of points to make - you want to make sure the internal diameters of the pipe you're repairing and the new pipe you're inserting match up. In this video I cut the plastic pipe a little shorter than the gap between the two earthenware pipes - it should really have been the same, so that the flow through the pipe isn't interrupted by any steps. In my case the pipe is only transferring rain water into a soak away in the garden so it wasn't that critical, but if the pipe you're repairing carries foul water / sewerage, it's obviously critical there are no bumps or steps that could create blockages. If you're not sure, get a professional in! Also, strictly speaking you should use brown pipe underground. The grey pipe featured in the video is designed for use above ground ie it's UV safe. No reason it can't be used below ground but the brown pipe is cheaper! Finally, in the video I bedded the pipe in with 20mm stone, as this was all I had at the time. I should really have used 10mm pea shingle, or even sand. I've been told heavier grade stones could break the plastic pipe... TODAY'S TOOLKIT Here's what you'll need:
  • Flexseal AC4000 Drainage Coupling (ideal for clay to plastic)
121-137mm clay end / 110-122mm plastic end NOTE: make sure you get the right size to fit the pipes you're linking!
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Charlie DIYte (CharlieDIYte)

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