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7 Year Old's First Time Shooting AR-15
2014Apr 5
UPDATE: In the light of many recent shares this video has seen a surprising amount of national attention. My daughter is now 10 years old, still enjoys trips to the range with me and the safe handling of firearms. We stay intuitive to her comfort level and desire to continue learning without pushing her beyond her will (think the opposite of stage mothers and honeybooboo). My oldest daughter has been by my side since before the beginning of HausofGuns. She started shooting at 4 years of age and we've gradually allowed her a little more freedom with guns. Now 7 years old, her confidence has grown to where I'm beginning to help her move from her 22 rifles to centerfire guns. This is her first time ever firing an AR-15 style rifle. We've still got things to work on, but I think she did an outstanding job.

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Haus of Guns

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