To Boldly Flee (2 Disc DVD Set)
Watch To Boldly Flee uncut with no interruptions! DVDs are region free and will work on any player. DVD will also include a 4x6 Marobot Title Card insert. Includes: Disc 1: -Full Movie -Doug & Rob Commentary Disc 2: -Bloopers -Deleted Scenes -Bum Review of To Boldly Flee -Hour Long Behind the Scenes Documentary -Zod Music Video -Alternate Ending -+ More!
Nostalgia Critic Reloaded DVD
Limited stock
This DVD is region free and will play on any DVD/Blu-ray player. This is a limited print run of only 3000 DVDS, and when it sells out it will be gone for good. 2 Evolution of the Nostalgia Critic inserts are included. As of 2/10/2023 there are 80 left. See what the Nostalgia Critic was up to while he was in the plothole on the Limited Edition DVD! Contents: Nostalgia Critic - Kickassia Nostalgia Critic - Suburban Knights Nostalgia Critic - To Boldly Flee Nostalgia Critic - Live Review of Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 Doug and Egoraptor revist the Top Nostalgia Critic Moments that Never Happened Doug Revisits the Nostalgia Critic Chester, Dominic and Ask TGWTG share their thoughts on the Nostalgia Critic Doug talks about the Nostalgia Critic.
Best of TGWTG Volume 1
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DVDS are sealed, include a track listing insert, and are pressed and region free! DVD Info: What’s on it? Nostalgia Critic Videos: A BRAND NEW review of the Turkish version of Rambo entitled Rampage! Transformers review Transformers 2 review Bebe’s Kids video game review The end chase of the Casper review (with the unedited version attached as well) The Cloverfield Trailer review Holiday Clusterfuck Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book release Spooning with Spoony (episode 2) Tedy Ruxbin review Bum Review Videos: A BRAND NEW review of Paranormal Activity A BRAND NEW review of GIJOE: The Rise of Cobra Twilight Monsters vs Aliens Citizen Kane The Day the Earth Stood Still Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Star Trek Speed Racer Watchmen Youmacon Convention Ask That Guy with the Glasses Videos: TWO BRAND NEW Episodes As well as episodes 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 34, and 39 Sketches: Cheerios 2 The Most Disturbing Aristocrats Joke Ever 50 Impressions in 50 Seconds The Joker Practices his Scar Story That Cartoon Show: The Hangover 2 Lost: The Final Episode Orangey Os Special features: Interviews on the origins of Doug Walker’s characters Bloopers for Teddy Ruxbin, Alone in the Dark, Spooning with Spoony, Captain Planet, Lori Prince Outtakes/Alternate Takes on some of the answers from ‘Ask That Guy with the Glasses’ The original Cheerios 2 sketch from high school All new commentaries on 6 of the videos How’s the visual quality? Because some of these videos were done so long ago they were not always saved at the highest quality, thus a few of them are not as clear as the majority (and one or two even have the logo at the bottom). Also due to a technical difficulty, the Bum Reviews that were in widescreen and the cartoons have been cropped, but unless you really need to see the “P” and the “Y” in the “Paranormal Activity” title, you’re not missing much. The quality is good on the majority of the videos and all of them look far clearer than online. How long is the DVD? All the videos added up equal well over 6 hours. Have the videos been altered at all? Some copyrighted material has been taken out, but luckily the videos on this DVD had very little.
Best of TGWTG Volume 2
DVD Includes: Nostalgia Critic: -NEW Video Game Review - w/Commentary -NEW Reefer Madness - w/Commentary - X-Mas Special - w/Commentary Ask ThatGuy:- NEW Ask That Guy- Ask That Guy Rapes Ma-Ti- 43- 44- 45- 46- 48- 49- 52- 53- 54- 56- 57- 58Bum Reviews:- Harry Potter - Deathly Hollows - Part 1- NEW Scott Pilgrim- Twilight Eclipse- Avatar- Inception- Expendables- Alice in Wonderland- The Princess and The FrogExtras- Playing the Game- Junior Bloopers- Christmas Bloopers- Bum BloopersHow to Be a Pirate:- Swords- Eye Patches- Parrots- Hooks-NEW HatsRiff Tracks:- Boys Beware- The Bully- Casper- Mr. Bungle- The SnobSketches:- The Rev. Nutt Job at U-Con- Mimes! in Anime St. Louis- Fear and Loathing in ShadoconVideo Game Confessions:- Star Fox- Solid Snake- Donkey Kong- Duke Nukem- Bonk- Solid Snake Follow Up- Chell
Best of TGWTG Volume 4
The DVDs are region free and will begin shipping on 5/4/2013. Content: NC:New Review of ParanoiaThe Review Must Go On (with commentary, Bloopers and outakes)Ask That Guy:Episode 67Episode 69New Continuation of Episode 69Bum Reviews:New Review of DjangoNew Review of Les MiserablesAmazing SpidermanWreck it RalphBreaking Dawn 2The Hobbit Hunger GamesOz, the Great and powerfulParanormal Activity 4PromethiusAll the Christmas SpecialsVGC:New Episode MegamanNew Episode Sub-ZeroEarthworm JimSimon BelmontDemo Reel:New Transformers EpisodeDemo Reel Annoys Rob PaulsonDark Knight Begins Rising bloopers and alternate takesWreck it Ralph bloopers and alternate takesLost in Translation bloopers and alternate takesBlair Witch Hangover bloopers and alternate takesBlue Patches bloopers and alternate takesMalcolm and Rachel's auditionMalcolm and Rachel's Youtube videos
The Uncanny Valley
The DVD is region free and includes: - Full Uncut Version of The Uncanny Valley - The Uncanny Valley Trailer - A Nostalgia Critic review of the Uncanny Valley - Uncanny Valley Bloopers - Uncanny Valley Alternate Takes - A Commentary on The Uncanny Valley - Interviews from the Cast in The Reviewers - Doug and Uncle Yo's Slashfic