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Kylo Ren vs Darth Vader - FORCE OF DARKNESS (A Star Wars Fan-Film)
2019Jul 18
A FAN-FILM BY SEIZE THE FRAME Force of Darkness is a non-profit unofficial fan-film that is not intended for commercial use. Star wars is owned by Lucasfilm/Disney and this fan-film is not connected in any way to said companies. MUSIC FROM THE FILM Alexander Cimini:   / alexander-cimini   Mikeal Israelsson: Mattias Lindqvist: VOICES BY Darth Vader: Anthony Sevins   / blissted78   Kylo Ren: Matthew Brando    / detroituntilidie   First order Officer: Tom Schalk    / tomsthechannel   Kylo Ren fabric provided by: https://www.cosplayfabricsinternation... Write in the comments what you want us to do next. CREDIT CORRECTION: Simon Tingell - Aditional VFX Kylo Ren - Rikard Larsson (Not Rickard) Thanks to Mathias Fjellström (Not Fjällström) PS: Not true 4k, just uploaded that way for best compression.

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Seize The Frame

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