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Total Beginner’s Guide to Video Editing
2018Sep 11
So your first shoot is complete - but how do you turn your footage into a great video? It's all at your fingertips with the power of editing! In this video, YouTube creator Kia (from the channel TheNotoriousKIA) gives you a total beginner's guide to video editing. Check out Kia's advice on the twelve basic editing steps to turn your idea into reality. 0:00 Introduction 0:46 Multiple takes 1:01 Back up your footage 1:18 Your edit space 1:29 Organizing your files 1:44 Watch your footage 1:55 Beginning to edit 2:10 Fine cutting 3:04 Watch over and over 3:32 Building up your edit 4:18 Working with sound 4:45 Mixing your sound 5:15 Color correction 5:28 Export and upload Learn more in our Creator Academy course here: Check out Kia's channel:    / thenotoriouskia   Subscribe and hit the bell to see a new video each Tuesday: Check out our Creator Academy course on production skills: ► Level up your YouTube skills with Creator Academy lessons: ► See index of all lessons: ► Get step-by-step instructions:

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