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Jung Daeun x Han Jungwoo「One fine week / 7 Days of Romance MV」
2019Nov 20
7일만 로맨스, One fine week or also called 7 days of romance is a korean webdrama and I ship Jung Daeun (played by Seo Jisoo from the girlgroup Lovelyz) Han Jungwoo (played by Shin Junseop from the boygroup Myteen). I wanted to make a MV about them and finally I had the time for it~ It took me soo long for it because I also made the subtitles for the Video and I really appreciate the work that subbers are doing ^^ Seo Jisoo and Shin Junseop ... their chemistry is sooo god for their characters as Jung Daeun and Han Jungwoo! Really they played their roles good and their interactions are so cute and adorable! I just wanted to share this good drama with you all~ Also to this background music this is a Song that they both sang for this drama as an OST 😍 I am sending so much love and support for both Seo Jisoo and Shin Junseop. All in all I can recommend you watching the kdrama one fine week or also called 7 days of romance. Drama: 7일만 로맨스, One fine week or also called 7 days of romance Music: [7일만 로맨스 OST Part 3] Seo Ji Soo (서지수), Shin Jun Seop (신준섭) #7DaysOfRomance #SeoJisoo #ShinJunseop

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