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5 Extinct Animals Caught on Camera & Spotted In Real Life!
2017Mar 24
5.) Megalodon Caught on Tape    • Video   Myths about large, fish like sea monsters are universal to the human conditions. The most well known may be the legend of Leviathan, an ancient and giant fish or whale that ate the Biblical figure Job. While it was traditionally believed that Leviathan had been a whale, the discovery of the ancient and allegedly extinct Megalodon shark led people to believe that, perhaps, the inspiration for Leviathan had originally been a giant shark. While Megalodons are believed to be extinct, only 5% of the ocean has been explored, and everyday biologists discover new species of creatures and even rediscover species previously considered to be extinct. It is not impossible that an evolutionary throwback to the Megalodon may continue to exist. This giant shark was captured by Japanese marine biologists in 2016. The shark is allegedly between 29 and 60 feet long though the close distance between the camera and the shark makes it difficult to be sure. 4.) Tasmanian Tiger Sighting    • THYLACINE SIGHTING - WESTERN VICTORIA...   The tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, was a carnivorous marsupial that was indigenous to Australia before it died. It’s also known as the tasmanian wolf, despite having no relation to either wolves or tigers, due to its dog-like appearance and tiger-like stripes. Tasmanian tigers were already rare before British colonists arrived, and believed to have gone extinct on the island of Australia, though the species continued to live on the island of Tasmania from which it gets its name. Due to a combination of overhunting and habitat encroachment, thylacines are believed to have gone extinct in the 1900s, when the last known wild thylacine was killed in 1930, before the last thylacine in captivity died in 1936. 3.) Wooly Mammoth (just use the first part with the mammoth crossing the river)    • Video   (second video) Wooly Mammoths are believed to have been hunted to extinction by early man during the ice age. While their relatives survived to become the modern day Asian elephant, mammoths themselves are theorized to have been dead for 10,000 years. Some have theorized that Wooly Mammoths continued to live and exist in remote, cold regions where they were both safe from humans and warmer temperatures. They believe that preserved, mummified corpses of mammoths found in these areas might be evidence of this, and there are reported sightings of mammoths in the wild. This video captures one such sighting as a wooly mammoth allegedly attempts to cross an icy river in a forest in Siberia. 2.) Omura’s Whale    • Balaenoptera omurai - Omura's whale   The Omura Whale is a recently discovered species of whale that had only originally been discovered in the 2000s by a Japanese researcher. It was discovered through the analysis of DNA found in whale bones at the bottom of the ocean in the 90s. The whale, which had been until then undiscovered, was believed to perhaps be extinct. It was later discovered that the bones belonged to a dwarf fin or pygmy whale that was infrequently seen through Asia. 1.) Dinosaur Captured in Africa While the rest of the animals on this have lived recently, this animal lived millions of years ago. According to reports, a tribe in the Republic of Congo captured a velociraptor in the jungle, which they proudly put on display. While dinosaurs allegedly went extinct 65 million years ago, some people believe that small populations continued to survive in the deepest, darkest wilderness, away from human contact. These possible survivors are sometimes believed to be the origins of dragons, serpents, and other large monsters in human mythology. It may be possible that something undiscovered and unexplained continues to thrive in the 500 million acres of rainforest in the Congo that inspired Joseph Conrad’s tale Heart of Darkness. Background Music: Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: For copyright matters please contact us: _________________________________________________________________ Thank you so much for watching! Smash that like button for more, make sure you share the video with your friends and dont forget to subscribe! Make sure to follow me here:   / top5sfinest  

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