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The Easy Way to Know if You Have Enough Food in Your Pantry
Having an adequate supply of emergency food on your pantry shelves is something you need to consider in 2021. Food shortages, empty shelves, rising prices, increasing inflation, supply chain distribution problems, and trucker shortages have shown us now, more than ever, that basic preparedness begin with having an emergency stockpile of food at home. In this video, we share our 5-step formula for creating meals from your pantry and then show you a quick and easy way to know whether you have enough food in your pantry. 00:00 - Introduction 03:30 - Have an up-to-date pantry inventory 04:34 - 5-step pantry meal planner 16:30 - How to create a 30-day pantry menu Plan 23:15 - Winter storm outage program promo // SUBSCRIBE: //TIP JAR: Want to send us a special "Thank You" for our content? Here's our PayPal email address: //MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO: ○ Barbecue Lentil Sandwich Filling: ○ Daniel's Salad Dressing Recipe: ○ 3-PART EMERGENCY PANTRY PREPPING SERIES:    • How to Know What to Put in Your Emerg...   // FREE PANTRY STOCK-UP WORKBOOK: //SHOP OUR COURSES! • Menu Planning Made Easy: • Debt-Free Christmas Binder: • Personal Finance Planner: • Home Energy Savings Guide: • Teaching Children a Biblical View of Money:
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Under the Median

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