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HOW LONG IT TAKES TO GET MONETIZED ON YOUTUBE: The review process, Google AdSense, & more!
2019Jul 22
I'M OFFICIALLY MONETIZED ON YOUTUBE! Yep, you read that right. As of last week, my YouTube channel was approved for ads and I'm starting to make money from my YouTube videos. So today, I want to share with you how long it takes to get monetized on YouTube, the review process to get ads on your videos, Google AdSense, and more. PLUS I'm sharing some tips to get monetized faster and what you can do to prep your channel to make the MOST money. Find out how much I made with my FIRST YOUTUBE PAYCHECK -    • MY FIRST YOUTUBE PAYCHECK: How much I...   OTHER VIDEOS YOU MIGHT LIKE: ○ How To Make YouTube Videos As A Beginner -    • How To Make YouTube Videos As A Begin...   ○ YouTube SEO Basics -    • YOUTUBE SEO BASICS: How To Get Your Y...   ○ My YouTube Process: How I create my videos -    • MY YOUTUBE PROCESS: How I film & edit...   ○ 0 to 1000 Subscribers on YouTube -    • 0  TO 1000 SUBSCRIBERS ON YOUTUBE: Yo...   ○ 4 Tips To Grow Your YouTube Channel -    • 4 TIPS TO GROW YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL A...   CAMERA GEAR USED: ○ My camera - ○ SD card - ○ Tripod - ○ Studio lights - Create a plan to blow up your brand in 60 days or less! - //COME SAY HI! Vlog Channel:    / cathrinmanningvlogs   Instagram:   / cathrin_manning   //SHOP MY PRODUCTS! Content Calendar Template - Blow It Up Blueprint - Lightroom Mobile Presets - The Blog Hustler (ebook) - And make sure you subscribe to my channel! DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting so I can continue to provide you with free content each week! Sharing blogging tips to help you grow your blog faster than you thought possible!

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Cathrin Manning

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