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2018Sep 25
Farm Aid
699K subscribers
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Support our essential family farmers and ranchers.
Support and strengthen those who grow our food.
Since 1985, the annual Farm Aid festival has celebrated family farmers, good food and incredible music. But Farm Aid works every day to support our nation's family farmers and ranchers who are growing the good food for healthy families, strengthening our communities and protecting soil and water.
Farm Aid needs your help so we can continue to provide the support they need – now more than ever.
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Farm Aid's mission is to cultivate a vibrant, just and resilient family farm-centered system of agriculture in America. With music as our inspiration and farmers as our heroes, we envision a transformed America in which family farmers and citizens are active partners in a thriving food system that ensures farmers a fair living, justly nourishes people and communities, protects and sustains natural resources, and secures a prosperous future for all.
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