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Jackie Chan - How to Do Action Comedy
2014Dec 2
Some filmmakers can do action. Others can do comedy. But for 40 years, the master of combining them has been Jackie Chan. Let’s see how he does it. (Note: to see the names of the films, press the CC button!) For educational purposes only. You can donate to support the channel at Patreon:   / everyframeapainting   And follow me here: Twitter:   / tonyszhou   Facebook:   / everyframeapainting   The 9 Principles of Action Comedy 1. Start with a DISADVANTAGE 2. Use the ENVIRONMENT 3. Be CLEAR in your shots 4. Action & Reaction in the SAME frame 5. Do as many TAKES as necessary 6. Let the audience feel the RHYTHM 7. In editing, TWO good hits = ONE great hit 8. PAIN is humanizing 9. Earn your FINISH Five Jackie Chan Fights (An Introduction) Wheels on Meals - Benny vs Jackie (   • Video  ) Police Story - Mall Finale (   • Video  ) Police Story 2 - The Playground (   • Video  ) Miracles - The Rope Factory (   • Video  ) Drunken Master 2 - Finale (   • ☯ Jackie Chan Vs Ken Lo (Drunken Mast...  ) Music: Jackie Chan - Police Story Theme Ash - Kung Fu Chow Fu-liang - 8 Drunken Gods (Main Theme) Jackie Chan - Who Am I? Theme David Tao - Fantasy Mission Force Interview Clips: Jackie Chan interview on filmmaking:    • Jackie Chan - Interview on "Miracles"...   Bey Logan talks about Project A:    • Video   An Evening with Jackie Chan:    • An Evening with Jackie Chan   Jackie Chan - My Stunts:    • Video   Help us caption & translate this video!

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