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How to Self Level a Bathroom Floor Using Self Leveler Cement
In this video we show you everything you need to know how to level a floor into a perfect flat and level floor in your bathroom using self leveling floor compound before you tile. Use this for making a perfect level floor for tile, using self leveling floor cement, also called floor leveler. We'll show you how to level a floor and how to apply self leveling compound on concrete floors to make a perfect level floor for tile. The trick is knowing how to use self leveling cement. We'll teach you how to use self leveler to make a perfect level floor. We prefer to use self leveling concrete which sets up fast. this is floor leveling made easy. All about self leveling floor compound, how to level a floor To make a level floor for tile you need to make sure your floor does not have more than 1/8" variation of a 6 foot length. You'll need to know how to use self leveling cement. Before your pour self leveling compound, drop your 6 foot level to the floor and you should not see dips more than 1/8" or you need to level floor with concrete. We'll show you how to use self leveling compound. how to use self leveling compound on concrete floor If you fail to level a floor for tile or laminate hardwood floors, your tile floor will have lippage between tiles, your wood floor will creak, and you'll void the warranty on your new laminate wood floors. This is crucial to level basement floor for tile. Self leveling floors requires some preparation before pouring down self leveling cement. Level floor with cement We flatten down the lumpy concrete uneven floor, before we achieve a level floor for tile with with self leveling compound by first grinding high points with an angle grinder and a diamond cup grinding wheel, hooked up to a shop vac to catch all dust. Then we roll on a cement bonding agent /primer for the self leveling floor compound to allow the new self leveling floor cement to adhere to the old concrete slab, or concrete basement floor. This is required before you pour self leveler on concrete to make your level bathroom floor with self leveling compound. Then these are the steps you need to take to level floors with cement. You will need a level bathroom floor for tile installation or even for installing hardwood floors and laminate floors. When you are done, if you adhere to the self leveler installation strategies in this video your floor should be perfectly level floor with concrete. How to use self leveling cement to level floor with mortar When you are self leveling floors, remember that the self leveling compound should be mixed in 2-3 minutes, dumped onto the floor immediately, and raked into place within 5 minutes, because self leveling floor cement is very fast setting, this is the perfect material if you want your bathroom to be level. All this because your bathroom floor is not flat. how to use self leveling compound on concrete floor The self leveling cement then travels around the floor, filling in all cracks and gaps, and leaves a perfectly level top surface, like a glass mirror surface. In a few hours you'll have a level floor with mortar. this is how to use self leveling compound. Congratulations, you finally know how to use self leveler and how to level a floor, and you'll be ready to level out the bumpiest of concrete floors with self leveling compound. Now you'll have a perfectly level floor for tile. Now you can show your friends how to make a perfectly level basement floor for tile. We hope you learned a lot from this how to use self leveling compound video. #slefleveling levelfloor #jeffostroff

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