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A fox and a badger fight in Yellowstone - the whole story
2015Feb 24
A pair of foxes built a den in the northern part of Yellowstone and had 2 babies. Here is their story. BEFORE YOU THINK ABOUT LEAVING A NASTY COMMENT PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING. This happened in Yellowstone National Park where it is illegal to get within 25 yards of a fox or a badger or interfere with them in any way. If I had interfered I would have been arrested, but before that could happen about 50 other photographers would have stopped me because both they and I know as much as we were really sad about the situation, badgers have rights too. They also have to eat, and feed their babies. That's how nature works whether we like it or not. #yellowstonenationalpark #yellowstonepark To see more of the almost 200 wildlife videos on my channel please visit:    / judylehmbergepicnature   To license footage please contact me at:

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Epic Nature Judy Lehmberg

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