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He is Risen! 15 Easter Hymns on Piano with lyrics
2016Mar 5
This a piano medley of hymns for Easter about Jesus' life, death and resurrection. ● These songs available by download or CD! ► ● Show more to see the full list of songs in this video: Thanks to Noah Bradley for the beautiful nature pictures! 0:00 - The Old Rugged Cross 4:45 - O Sacred Head Now Wounded 8:07 - What Wondrous Love is This 11:28 - Lead Me to Calvary 14:00 - Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord) 17:53 - Alas and Did My Savior Bleed (At the Cross) 22:23 - O the Blood of Jesus 23:43 - I Will Sing of My Redeemer 28:08 - Glory To His Name 30:50 - Hallelujah, What a Savior 33:02 - Hosanna, Loud Hosanna 34:22 - Christ Arose 36:45 - Christ the Lord is Risen Today 39:14 - At Calvary 41:36 - What a Wonderful Savior

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Kaleb Brasee

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