Rucking Essentials Starter Kit
General Discharge
The Rucking Essentials Starter Kit includes all of the essentials to jump start your rucking routine. Rucking is one of the greatest measurable standards of functional fitness. From Navy SEALs, Green Berets, all the way to MARSOC, elite special operators must prove themselves to be proficient at rucking.
Recon Rope
General Discharge
Master the 12 Recon Knots Recon candidates have earned the nickname “Ropers” because they are required to wear a rappelling rope around their shoulders for the entirety of training. In fact, candidates must show proficiency in tying 12 specific knots in order to get into the Basic Reconnaissance Course. While it's common for Recon candidates to be focused on areas of physicality, such as running, rucking, and swimming, it's often the little things that are overlooked that can lead to a potential drop from selection. One of these areas is the knot-tying test out. Why the Recon Rope? Our Recon Rope isn’t just any regular rope - it’s a replica of the exact one you’ll be using in Recon training, cut to the specific length you’ll need. Yeah, we know, you can buy any rope to tie knots with - but why not practice with the rope you’ll be using throughout training? Plus, a rope of this quality doesn’t just come in 13 foot increments. If you want to buy a rappelling rope, you’re looking at getting some of them at upwards of 100 feet, and you don’t need that much! We give you what you need, but most importantly, at an affordable price. Save some money, practice with the real deal, and get ahead of the game. Get yourself a Recon rope today! P.S. - We show you the ropes, pun intended! If you buy our Recon Rope, not only are you going to learn how to tie knots with the rope you’ll be using in training, we also show you how to tie the 12 Recon Knots! As shown on our Recon Knot Tying Guide Video, the 12 Recon Knots you’ll need to know are: Square Knot Water Tape Double Sheet Bend Bowline Around an Object Clove Hitch Round Turn 2 Half Hitch Figure 8 Loop Bowline on a Bight 4 Finger Prusik Secured with a Bowline Directional Figure 8 Rappel Seat Bowline Around the Body with a Figure 8
Recon Rucking Prep Kit General Discharge ALICE Pack Ruck
General Discharge
The Recon Rucking Prep Kit has everything you need to start your preparation for land-based PT at Marine Recon training. At the Basic Reconnaissance Course, you will be rucking for LONG distances, so you're better off starting now. Start your rucking regimen right with the Recon Rucking Prep Kit!
Recon Finning Prep Kit XL Frog Fins (11-14 US Mens) / 11 U.S. Mens
Limited stock
General Discharge
Our Recon Finning Prep Kit features the XS Scuba ORIGINAL Frog Fin, trusted and used by Recon Marines, instructors, and divemasters worldwide. They’re the exact same fins you'll be using during Recon Marine training. We've assembled a collection of quality gear to complement your Frog Fins and ensure you're fully equipped for Recon Marine pool training.
Recon Rucking/Land Navigation Kit Bundle ATACLETE ALICE Ruck
General Discharge
Get both our Recon Rucking Prep Kit and Land Navigation Kit in one bundle! Our Recon Rucking Prep Kit & Land Navigation Kit bundle has a lot of essentials to help you prepare for the Recon Marine pipeline. Rucking and Land Navigation go hand in hand - take advantage of this deal now, and get training!
Land Navigation Kit
General Discharge
Everything You Need for Land Nav, Just add a Map! Take the guesswork out of land navigation. For military personnel, this is a crucial skill to have in your toolbox, but getting started can be a daunting task. Several special operations training pipelines and military schools require you to be proficient at Land Navigation. Learning the systems and tools takes time and focus, but without them, getting dropped from training is a real possibility. With our Land Navigation Kit, you can start training now and get ahead of the game. This kit has everything you’ll need to understand the fundamentals of land navigation. The only thing missing is a map. But if you get yourself familiarized now, you’ll be much better prepared for the rigors ahead. Train hard, be safe, and crush it with our Land Navigation Kit!