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Chucky Vs Slappy (Childs Play Vs Goosebumps Scary Rap Battle Parody)
2018Nov 24
Well done to KingHenryTheEtch for this one, and me for making the beat like 15 years ago haha. Spotify - iTunes -
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Here's the lyrics - There can only ever be one Only ever be one Only ever be one King of the killer dolls OK Chucky it's time to play, Here's a first class ticket cos I'm in LA Since I took your crown, see me all around, I'm the only male doll here in tinsel town So forget recovery, here's a summary, your as relevant now as your eightees dungarees So buy a suit to the gala venue, I'll settle the bill now I've beaten your revenue 7 big hits 180 million, I'm two films down hit a quatre billion And while your here I've arranged a date, for an LA surgeon to fix your face Your so predictable, every time, again and again just you and that knife You lack the twists that you get with mine, here's a business card call R L Stine There can only ever be one Only ever be one Only ever be one King of the killer dolls OK Slappy you embarassing hypocrite, unoriginal dodgy counterfeit You copied everything no debate but you dumbed it down now it's so cliche Guess dumbing down aint hard for a dummy who's more preocupied with all that money I'm pleased for you, your making a killing but your inspiration is making a killing (get it) 67, to be exact it's the same as yours if you hit subtract Zero kills for a killer dummy I'm rated R so mine are bloody The bottom line is that's your a kid's show, gratuatous violence is out of the window The king of the dolls is unoquivical Chucky came first so bow to the original There can only ever be one Only ever be one Only ever be one King of the killer dolls

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Aaron Fraser-Nash

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