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Naturally Pam Oat Bar (bio) - 12 x 40g - Chunky Chocolate
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Upgrade: noch cremiger und weicher | Mit extra Shea Butter | Große, dunkle Choco Chunks | Ballaststoffquelle | Mit Fairtrade-zertifizierter Kakaobutter | Bio, vegan & glutenfrei | Recyclingfähige Folie
Naturally Pam Crunchy Nut Butter (bio) - 1 x 200g - Caramelized Almonds
Limited shipping areas
Bio & vegan | Ohne Rohrzucker | Glutenfrei | Keine künstlichen Geschmacksverstärker, Farbstoffe oder Konservierungsstoffe
Naturally Pam Oat Bar (bio) - 12 x 40g - Dark & White
Limited shipping areas
Weiße, cremige Chunks und dunkler Kakao | Dunkel & hell vereint - für alle Schoko-Lover! | Geschmacklich und optisch ein Erlebnis! | Ballaststoffquelle | Mit Fairtrade-zertifizierte Kakaobutter | Bio, vegan & glutenfrei | Recyclingfähige Folie
Naturally PAM Granola (bio) - 6 x 300g - Crunchy Classic
Limited shipping areas
Mindestens haltbar bis 13.11.2025 | Bio & vegan | Ballaststoffreich | Ohne Rohrzucker | Keine künstlichen Geschmacksverstärker, Farbstoffe oder Konservierungsstoffe | Verpackung aus natürlichen erneuerbaren Ressourcen
Naturally Pam Porridge (bio) - 1 x 350g - Brownie Style
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* Verbesserte Rezeptur: Schokoladig und vollmundig bis zum letzten Löffel​ * Weniger herb und etwas süßer​ * Mit gebackenen Keks-Stückchen für extra Genuss​ * Im Handumdrehen mit Wasser zubereitet​ * Fertig in 3-5 Minuten​ * Extra cremig dank Haferdrinkpulver​ * Ballaststoffquelle​ * Praktischer Vorratsbeutel für zu Hause​ * Mit Wasser 217 kcal pro Portion​
Naturally Pam Creamy Nut Butter (bio) - 1 x 200g - Cacao Dream
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Bio & vegan | Glutenfrei | Je nach Temperatur streichzart oder flüssig | 50 % weniger Zucker als vergleichbare Nut Butters
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20 MIN FULL BODY WORKOUT // No Equipment | Pamela Reif
2018Apr 29
NO EXCUSES ♥︎ a Full Body Workout that can do whenever and wherever you like. // Werbung You don't need any equipment or weights!! Targets the muscles of your whole body and gives you a QUICK SWEAT! The video is in full length which means you can just follow whatever I’m doing 30s for each exercise. There are two 1min rests in between. If you need to pause longer - feel free to do so. If you don't need a break - skip them! I recommend switching up your workouts to give your muscles enough time to recover. You can do this workout 2-3x a week and if you want to do be active on the other days: check out my Sixpack, Core & Booty Workout ♥︎ __ ▸ you can find FREE WORKOUT PLANS on my Instagram Channel. 30min, 45min and Beginner Friendly combinations. Check out the Highlight Bubble "Workout Plans" for that. ➞ Instagram   / pamela_rf   __ MUSIC by Epidemic Sound CONTACT ME (business inquires): Disclaimer: When joining me for this workout video, you need to take some precautions as your health and safety is the most important. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Pamela Reif will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.

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Pamela Reif

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