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Ancient Map Shows The Lost City of Atlantis is The Eye of The Sahara – Ancient Civilization
2018Oct 30
The Eye of Africa is not just the most likely location of Atlantis, but the connection of this new evidence I’m about share makes this case so compelling that it’s practically definitive. In my first two videos on the topic of The Lost City of Atlantis, I connected the dots on more than a dozen similarities between Plato’s description of Atlantis, to that of the Richat Structure, which is commonly referred to as the Eye of the Sahara and is located in a remote region of North West Africa, in the country of Mauritania. Atlantis has been hidden in plain sight for thousands of years. I'm Jimmy Corsetti, and my channel is called Bright Insight. Help support me in my effort to expose truth, on my Patreon:   / brightinsight  

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