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Lay Out a Print Book's Pages with InDesign CC 2018
2018Oct 4
This tutorial shows you how to create and lay out the pages of a print book by using Adobe's InDesign Creative Cloud 2018. The following operations are included while laying out the pages for an edition of Franz Kafka's novella 'The Metamorphosis': 1. File set-up: trim sizes, units, facing pages, number of pages, margins, bleed. 2. Import text: using Autoflow to import entire Word file in seconds. 3. Paragraph Styles: how to set up time-saving styles for text, edit existing styles, create new paragraph styles. 4. Delete unwanted pages. 5. Automatic page numbering using Master Pages, including the handy trick of using Shift+Alt to duplicate a text box with the automatic numbering, as well as guides and rulers. 6. More uses for Master Pages: how to add headers at the top of pages. 7. Insert pages: how to add six preliminary pages. 8. How to number pages using regular numbers for the main pages and roman numerals for the prelim pages. 9. Create a New Master Page: the B-Master allows for pages to have numbering but no headers for chapter opening pages by using an Override function, then drag and drop for easy application. 10. Using the 'None' Master Page to have some prelim pages with no page numbering or headers. Overall result: save yourself $10 or so per page on typesetting fees!

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Indie Book Publishing with Euan Mitchell

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