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Ferrari 360 Full Repaint The Bodycentre Ltd Norwich
2016Aug 1
Here we have a gorgeous Ferrari 360 undergoing a full respray. As you will see from the video a lot of work goes into completing a job like this. Firstly the vehicle needs to be stripped down by one of our experienced MET technicians to ensure that every painted area of the car is exposed for the pass over to panel shop and then onto the prep team. This car was not brought to us for a colour change but for a full restoration of the bodywork to bring this iconic vehicle back to its former glory. As you can see from the video the vehicle was full of scratches, dents and stone chips which needed to be repaired before moving onto the paint stage. Once the vehicle was ready for paint Oli, who has been with us for over 15 years, applied a lovely coat of Rosso Corsa paint from our spies 280 Hecker line. If you didn't know already Rosso Corsa is the red international motor racing colour of cars entered by teams from Italy including; Alfa Rome, Maserati, Lancia and of course Ferarri. We hope that by watching this video you have gained a greater understanding of what really goes on behind the scenes for a job such as this. Please LIKE,SHARE,COMMENT&SUBSCRIBE #ferarri360 #carrepaint #autobodyrepair #ferrarirestore

The Bodycentre Ltd Norwich UK

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