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Sartre: Hell Is Other People T-shirt
"Hell is other people," Sartre stated, meaning that we can’t escape the influence of other people’s judgments and the way they perceive us. Their gaze forces us to see ourselves from the outside. Imagery by Munkaa Art: Follow Einzelgänger: Einzelgänger website:
Live, Laugh, Ichigo Ichie
Ichigo Ichie is a Japanese philosophical concept loosely translated as "one lifetime, one encounter." It encourages us to live in the present and thoroughly cherish it, as every moment is unique and never happens again. Imagery by Munkaa Art: Follow Einzelgänger: Einzelgänger website:
Einzelgänger Official Hoodie
An official hoodie of Einzelgänger for einzelgängers. Keep yourself warm while following your authentic path. Follow Einzelgänger: Einzelgänger website:
No hope, just Cioran
Philosopher Emil Cioran brings pessimism to a new depth; according to him, life is utterly hopeless! Luckily, Cioran's philosophy can console you during your darkest moments. Imagery by Munkaa Art: Follow Einzelgänger: Einzelgänger website:
Stoic, but still need coffee mug
Even Stoics need coffee, don't they? Give your virtue a boost with this mug featuring Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius. Imagery by Munkaa Art: Follow Einzelgänger: Einzelgänger website:
I'm on solo mode
Solo mode is fantastic, and introverts know it. Wear this T-shirt on a Friday afternoon, and everyone will understand that you don't want to be invited to exhausting, pointless social gatherings on the weekend, let alone Friday Afternoon Drinks (yuck!). Imagery by Munkaa Art: Follow Einzelgänger: Einzelgänger website:
Just Let Go | The Philosophy of Fight Club
2020Jun 11
Check the second Fight Club essay:    • Our Great Depression is Our Lives | T...   Life is short. It’s ending one minute at a time. Why waste it on fulfilling other people’s expectations? This is just one of those questions presented in a novel written by Chuck Palahniuk named Fight Club. The film version of Fight Club directed by David Fincher, starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter, could be considered one of the best and most impactful movies ever made when looking at its reception and ongoing popularity. Fight Club isn’t shy of over-the-top violence, contains a fair amount of explicit language, and, of course, the obnoxious behavior of its characters. However, it’s definitely more profound than just men coming together to beat each other up. The story is built on several thoughtful concepts that are interesting and possibly applicable to our own lives. It tells a story about a generation of people without a clear purpose, without hope, raised with false expectations, and repressed by ever-tightening social norms. What if our existence is pointless? What if God doesn’t like us? What if we’re nothing more than a compost heap? How do we find meaning in a meaningless existence? This video explores several philosophical ideas that Fight Club presents us. For those who aren’t familiar with the story: this analysis explains and reveals the plot. Support the channel: ✔️ PayPal: ✔️ Patreon:   / einzelgangster   ✔️ Bitcoin: 3HQnEz1LQ4G6dqN2LdZgzc7qoJjJCyWjTC (Donated BTC and want in the credits? Send me an email with the amount/address) Purchase my book (affiliate links): 📘 Paperback: 💻 Ebook: Merchandise: 🛍️ Shop: 🛍️ Merchandise design by Punksthetic Art:    / jrstoneart   Music used: Causmic - Joker Jesse Gallagher - Maestro Tlakaelel The Whole Other - Rewired Myuu - Underworld pATCHES - Because For Everything There Is Someone Creative Commons (attributions): Chuck Palahniuk: David Fincher: Fair use: Fight Club cover: Still from the movie Fight Club: Scene Ikea:    • The IKEA Nesting Instinct   Tyler saves Marla:    • Video   Lou Scene:    • Fight Club Lou Scene   Fight with a total stranger:    • Video   #lettinggo #tylerdurden #fightclub 00:00 - Intro 01:34 - Meeting Tyler Durden 04:34 - Anti-consumerism 07:04 - Non-conformity 09:02 - Physical violence 10:58 - Self-destruction 13:15 - A near-life experience 15:44 - Wrap-up

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