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How I Survived Being Kidnapped by Somali Pirates | Op-Docs
2019Mar 15
Reporting from conflict zones will always be dangerous. But where should journalists draw the line? And who pays the price when they take too many risks? In her Op-Doc, “From Journalist to Hostage,” director Sonia Kennebeck explores those questions at close range, through the story of a reporter who was held captive by Somali pirates for two and a half years. Many commentators have suggested that journalists like Michael Scott Moore have no business taking such risks — and shouldn’t expect sympathy or aid. But if reporters always steer clear of dangerous places, will important stories go untold? More from The New York Times Video: Subscribe: Watch all of our videos here: Facebook:   / nytvideo   Twitter:   / nytvideo   ---------- Op-Docs is a forum for short, opinionated documentaries by independent filmmakers. Learn more about Op-Docs and how to submit to the series. Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@NYTopinion).

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