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ICON A5, Icon Aircraft Pilot Report and A 5 Aircraft Review.
2015Sep 28 – ICON A5, Icon Aircraft Pilot Report and A 5 Aircraft Review. Dan Johnson take us for a ride in the ICON A5, from Icon Aircraft. Shows like Sebring and Midwest LSA Expo are known for being great places to demo fly a Light-Sport or light kit you may be considering to buy. They earned that reputation because it is typically much easier to fly at those lower-key, less crowded events than at giant shows like AirVenture. However, some companies make demo flying a mission at Oshkosh and this article covers three that delivered an exceptional number of demo flights. Your author finally got a chance to fly the Icon A5 at AirVenture Oshkosh 2015. Watch for an upcoming Video Pilot Report on this warmly-received LSA seaplane. Icon reported doing around 150 demonstration flights in the first public outing of the long-awaited LSA seaplane. Writers for aviation's largest magazines got their private crack at the new bird beforehand ... since returning from Oshkosh, I've seen A5 on the covers of Flying, AOPA Pilot, Sport Aviation, and Plane & Pilot. That's an enormous splash. I can't recall any single aircraft capturing all four titles in the same month, quite a credit to Team Icon for deftly executing such a major marketing push. Once arriving in Wisconsin, Icon made sure many their owners-in-waiting got a chance to fly the bird they hope to own before long. Interspersed among them, more aviation journalists got their chance. I had to bide my time until near the end of the week due to an intense schedule and a couple days of less than ideal weather, but I finally got my shot at the much-talked-about LSA. Icon staffers were very accommodating, even mounting four GoPro cameras on the A5 in which I flew with ex-military jock and now Icon's vice president of sales and marketing, Craig Bowers. Look for our coming Video Pilot Report as soon as the video editing can be completed. Icon did their demo flying off-site where they could better control the experience. A group of perhaps 15 personnel moved people in and up in a pair of A5s with some staffers first briefing each pilot while others took care of fueling, taking photos, assisting the water docking and more in the expert fashion we've come to expect from the California company. Video and Audio content is Copyright © Sport Aviation Magazine. This video and audio material may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Help support Sport Aviation Magazine by subscribing to our PAID subscription video magazine at Thank You for your continued support! RELATED SEARCH TERMS: experimental aircraft, experimental amateurbuilt aircraft video, homebuilt aircraft, homebuilt aircraft kits, home built aircraft, homebuilt aircraft plans, sport aircraft, light sport aircraft, light sport aircraft kits, light sport aircraft for sale, light sport aircraft manufacturers, sport planes,sport aircraft, light sport planes, Light-sport Aircraft (Aircraft Type), Flying (Magazine), TAGS: icon a5 (aircraft model), icon aircraft, icon aircraft for sale, icon aircraft video, icon a5, icon aircraft a5, icon aircraft review, icon aircraft a5 amphibious, amphibious aircraft, amphibious plane, amphibious planes, light sport aircraft video, amphibious aircraft for sale, amphibious airplanes, amphibious sport aircraft - ICON A5, Icon Aircraft Pilot Report and Aircraft Review.    • ICON A5, Icon Aircraft Pilot Report a...  

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