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French Greetings Song for Children
2013Apr 14
Now you can access my iTunes song for free! My students love this song and will carry on singing it at home or at school. Get a free study pack here: or buy your own copy to take wherever you go, no ads, simply from iTunes for just 79p Get more like this at This is a really educational song that will ensure your child learns French phrases and will boost their confidence. Here are the words: Bonjour mes amis x3 Hello my friends Je m'appelle Delphine x 3 My name's Delphine Comment t'appelles-tu ? x3 What is your name? Comment allez-vous ? x3 How do you do? Γ‡a va bien merci x 3 Fine thank you Quel Γ’ge as-tu ? How old are you? (The numbers from 0-12): ZΓ©ro Un Deux Trois Quatre Cinq Six Sept Huit Neuf Dix Onze Douze Au revoir mes amis x 2 Goodbye my friends Au revoir, goodbye Γ€ bientΓ΄t, see you soon

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