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2019Apr 13
🔥GET MERCH NOW!! ━► In this epic weekly vlog, the Dream Team takes their challenges to an epic whole new level. This time, Carter Sharer is setting his friends to the test in the 10,000 dollar underwater escape room! Carter, Lizzy Sharer, Stove from Stove's Kitchen, and Ryan Prunty are all competing in this extremely difficult world's first underwater escape room competition. Once under water, the contestants are not allowed to come up for air until after they find all thirteen keys to open the mystery safe. The only avenue for air is a small, manmade bubble at the deep end of the pool. The individual who escapes the pool in the fastest time will win the grand prize of ten thousand dollars cash! Who do you think will win?! Comment #Underwater and #Money with your predictions! ❇️ MORE EPIC VLOGS ❇️ DON'T BELLY FLOP CHALLENGE! BIGGEST FISH WINS $10,000 DEEP SEA FISHING!!    • BIGGEST FISH WINS $10,000 DEEP SEA FI...   CATCH THE BIGGEST FISH WIN $10,000    • CATCH THE BIGGEST FISH WIN $10,000   HIGHEST ROCKET WINS $10,000 (ft. Faze Rug)    • HIGHEST ROCKET WINS $10,000 (ft. Faze...   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📷INSTAGRAM → @CarterSharer   / cartersharer   📷INSTAGRAM → @OfficalTeamRAR   / officialteamrar   📷INSTAGRAM → @LizzyCapri   / lizzycapri   📘FACEBOOK → CARTER SHARER OFFICIAL Subscribe to my channel! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Business Inquiries: WARNING: This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK. This footage is property of Team RAR inc. and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Team RAR inc. For any requests from media contact us at

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Carter Sharer

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