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Ninja - PONPONPON (Official Fortnite Music Video) @Ninja @JessicaBlevins
2020Jan 18
The 11th fortnite music video on my channel! If you enjoyed please leave a like and comment. Use code "xDogged" in the fortnite item shop! Thanks for watching :) Also tweet @Ninja & @JessicaBlevins so they see! Huge congrats to ninja for getting the PONPON dance and his own skin in the game too! #NinjaSkin Social Links: Twitter -   / xdogged   New Merch - Second Channel - Discord -   / discord   Subreddit -   / xdogged   Snapchat - xdogged Twitch -   / xdogged   Helpers: SteepGlue Frantic Theo JudPag shockydog DrTyler11 ParthTube PandaGaming2170 sammcglade24 XD MiniChicken Tamer998 Hybrid king7765

Shorts remixing this video


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