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THE LEGEND OF KODIAK | Alaska Spring Brown Bear Hunt
2021Nov 17
Kodiak Brown Bear Hunting Adventure with Billy Molls Imagine,,, waking up every morning in a 12X16-foot, soot-stained canvas wall-tent pitched beside a pristine lake somewhere in the remote reaches of Kodiak Island. It’s springtime. Ominous, snow-capped mountains surround you. You drink two fingers of whiskey every night. You eat eggs, hashbrowns, and fresh caught trout every morning at sunrise. As the birds sing and the waves slap the beach you thank God you’re alive, and no bears—that you know of—came into camp last night. You lace your boots, stuff some food in your pack, grab your rifle, double-check the chamber, and head into the most legendary bear hunting grounds in the world. ALASKA HUNTING AND HOSTED HUNTING OPPORTUNITIES WITH BILLY - INVITE BILLY TO SPEAK AT YOUR EVENT - PURCHASE MERCH AND OTHER COMMERCIAL-FREE MDMM FILMS BY DVD OR DIGITAL DOWNLOAD - CONTACT MODERN DAY MOUNTAIN MAN: or mail to: Billy Molls Adventures LLC PO Box 532 Turtle Lake, WI 54889 FOLLOW US Facebook -   / moderndaymountainman   Instagram - Website - SUBSCRIBE -    / @moderndaymountainmanhunting   #trusttheguide #alaskahunting #moderndaymountainman #billymolls

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Modern Day Mountain Man

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