Rich Dad Store
Escape the rat race by generating passive income through real estate, stocks, and more. Play CASHFLOW and master wealth-building strategies!
Capitalist Manifesto: How Entrepreneurs Can Save Capitalism
Rich Dad Store
The Capitalist Manifesto - A Call to Action Against Marxist Ideology Robert Kiyosaki's Capitalist Manifesto is a powerful and eye-opening book that reveals the dangers of Marxist ideology and its spread through the education system. With over 50 years of personal experiences, including serving as a US Marine Corp pilot during the Vietnam War, Robert brings to light the warnings from the past and shows how they have come true in today's world. In Capitalist Manifesto, Robert uncovers the truth behind the National Education Association, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Federal Reserve Bank. He offers practical alternatives for individuals and families to counter communism and to promote capitalism in their own lives. The book is a call to action for preserving our freedoms, especially the freedom of truth. Learn the warnings and the truths behind Marxist ideology and the impact it has had on our world. Get your copy of Capitalist Manifesto today and start your journey towards a better future. I have been fighting Communism for much of my life. We are seeing principles from Marx’s Communist Manifesto taught in our schools today. I wrote Capitalist Manifesto so we can fight the communist ideals taught in our schools by teaching our homes.” -- Robert Kiyosaki
CASHFLOW for Kids Board Game
Rich Dad Store
In order to survive and escape this rat race we all need to be equipped with the right skills, knowledge and attitude. There are different types of skills that we need to learn and one important skill is managing your finances. It is a reality that in order to survive and be able to afford the basic needs one must be financially stable. It is not merely enough to get a job, earn a salary, pay your debts and bills and save what is left. As finance guru Robert Kiyosaki emphasizes in his popular book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, you have to make your money work for you! You and your children can learn the fundamentals of the books lesson through CASHFLOW for kids. It is never too early to teach your kids to be financially literate. They will learn among other things that Assets is putting money into your pocket while Liabilities is taking the money out of your pocket. They will learn financial intelligence in a very fun and interactive way. Parents can spend quality time with their children while both learning to spend their money wisely. CASHFLOW for Kids is safest way to teach kids valuable life lessons without taking actual risk. Playing game and simulation will enable your children develop good behavior which will help them not just to survive and escape the rat race but actually live a meaningful life. So what are you waiting for? Don’t miss this chance to be a wise parent and give your children the gift of financial knowledge and fun TODAY - Click Add to CART NOW! LEARNING CAN BE FUN - Learning can be a daunting task and some might think that it is quite boring. It is a good thing that in our present time there are many materials and methods to learn new skills and knowledge that makes it more interesting. What better way to learn than through playing a game? Accounting, finance and investing wouldn’t be too hard to master as you pick up skills while having fun. The interactive game keeps you attuned with making your money skills at tip top shape. PRACTICAL REAL WORLD SKILLS - Playing is not just for the sole purpose of having fun. It is actually a practice of behavior. It is a venue for cultivation of skills for kids and adults alike. It is guaranteed that players can exercise financial strategies through playing this game. After all, the game is designed by no less than the guru in investing, a businessman and the author of the popular self-help book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Mr. Robert Kiyosaki. MASTER THE FUNDAMENTALS - In the art of financial investments, you need not amass information on how to invest wisely. You only have to master the fundamentals first and not everything at once. The best way and safest place to do it is through playing a board game. You can do it routinely without risking real money or investments. Through this exercise you will learn the basic fundamentals which will help you in real life. PARENTS AND KIDS LEARN TOGETHER - Playing CASHFLOW for kids is a great game to play for both parents and children. It allows the parents and kids to learn and have fun. They can make plans together on how to make money work for them instead of the other way around. Parents and kids will make a great team as they strategize and navigate their way through assets and liabilities like in the real world. It is great opportunity for parents to instill valuable financial lessons on their children. START THEM YOUNG - There is no such thing as being too young to learn about financial literacy. CASHFLOW for kids is a great game to play and teach kids in an interesting way about financial lessons. It is good to start them young as they have no wrong notions and misconceptions about finances. So if you are thinking of what present to get your kids for the next birthday then CASHFLOW is a very good option.
Rich Woman: Because I Hate Being Told What To Do
Rich Dad Store
It's time to find the Rich Woman in you... Let’s face it. When it comes to money, men and women are different. While the how-to's of investing, how to buy and sell a stock, or how to find a profitable rental property, are the same, there are the unique issues that women face when it comes to money and investing. Here are some eye-opening statistics: 47% of women over the age of 50 are single 50% of marriages end in divorce (The #1 thing couples fight about is money) In the first year after a divorce, a woman’s standard of living drops an average of 73% 90% of all women will be solely responsible for their financial well-being within their lifetime. What worked for our mothers and grandmothers is not working for most of us, and our daughters and granddaughters. So now is the time for women to get smarter with their money. Kim Kiyosaki’s passion is to educate and encourage women to create the financial security and peace of mind they want and deserve in their lives. That’s why she wrote Rich Woman. You’ll love Rich Woman if you: Never want to lose sleep over money again Want to take control of your financial future Are tired of looking for a rich Prince Charming Demand true independence Start your journey to financial independence today with Kim Kiyosaki’s first book, Rich Woman.
CASHFLOW Board Game (Spanish)
Rich Dad Store
¡Aprende a invertir mientras juegas! CASHFLOW, el juego de Robert Kiyosaki, ahora por tiempo limitado a $79.97. ¡Compra ahora y escapa de la carrera de ratas!
Rich Dad's Increase Your Financial IQ: Get Smarter with Your Money
Rich Dad Store
Many of our global economic problems started in 1971...when President Richard Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard. Throughout history, when a government went off the gold standard, an age of turbulence began. In 1997, Robert's book Rich Dad Poor Dad stunned readers stating, "Your house is not an asset." As howls of protest went up around the world, the book went on to become an international bestseller and the #1 personal finance book of all time. Rich Dad Poor Dad is not a book on real estate. It is a book about the importance of financial education. Rich Dad Poor Dad was written to prepare you and your loved ones for the financial turbulence Robert's rich dad saw coming. In 2007, as homes declined in value or were lost to foreclosure, millions of homeowners painfully discovered the wisdom of words of Robert's rich dad. Today we are all aware that a home can be a liability. Today we know a home can go up or down in value. Today, we all know a person can lose money investing in the stock market. Today we all know our money can go down in value and that even savers can be losers. This is why financial intelligence is more important today than ever before. In a world of financial turbulence, your best asset is financial IQ.