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IKEA FRIHETEN Sofa Bed assembly instructions
2016Sep 3
IKEA FRIHETEN Sofa Bed assembly instructions #IKE #assembly #FRIHETEN #sofa #bed #sofabe please don't forget to like and subscribe 00:06 unboxing packages 02:33 assembly the sofa bed
  • Product size
Width: 230 cm Depth: 151 cm Height: 66 cm Seat depth: 78 cm Seat height: 44 cm Bed length: 204 cm Bed width: 140 cm
  • Package details
All packages: 3 FRIHETEN corner convertible module Width: 82 cm Height: 41 cm Length: 141 cm Weight: 35.00 kg Packages: 1 FRIHETEN chaise longue for corner sofa-bed Width: 73 cm Height: 40cm Length: 145cm Weight: 42.35 kg Packages: 1 FRIHETEN backrest for corner sofa-bed Width: 64 cm Height: 26cm Length: 207 cm Weight: 40.55 kg Packages: 1 #th3blogger #theblogger #blogger #المدون th3 blogger - th3blogger - المدون facebook   / th3blogger1   website youtube    / th3blogger  


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