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Modern Ephesus


"To the Angel of the Church of Ephesus" (Revelation 2:1-7)


Ephesus of the First Century, Celsus Library, Ephesian Agora


Ephesus - Home to the Temple of Artemis


Ephesus - Home to the Temple of the Emperor Domitian


Ephesus - Home to Demonic Activity


The Letter from Jesus to the Church of Ephesus


"You Have Left Your First Love" - Christ's Warning to the Ephesian Church


“To Those of You Who Overcome" - Christ's Message of Hope to the Ephesian Church


25:29: End Credits

Ephesus | The 7 Churches of Revelation
2020May 13
It’s been almost 2,000 years since the apostle John was instructed by Jesus to write letters to the seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation. These timeless letters reveal a message of God’s love through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus, identify and provide correction for problems in the church, and offer hope and encouragement for the future. 00:00-02:04: Introduction 02:04-03:24: Modern Ephesus 03:24-05:03: "To the Angel of the Church of Ephesus" (Revelation 2:1-7) 05:03-08:18: Ephesus of the First Century, Celsus Library, Ephesian Agora 08:18-11:16: Ephesus - Home to the Temple of Artemis 11:16-14:44: Ephesus - Home to the Temple of the Emperor Domitian 14:44-16:49: Ephesus - Home to Demonic Activity 16:49-19:45: The Letter from Jesus to the Church of Ephesus 19:45-22:30: "You Have Left Your First Love" - Christ's Warning to the Ephesian Church 22:30-25:05: “To Those of You Who Overcome" - Christ's Message of Hope to the Ephesian Church 25:05-25:29: End Credits In this seven-part series, you’ll travel to what remains of the ancient sites of the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Join host and president of Cornerstone University Dr. Joseph Stowell as he takes a closer look into the struggles of the New Testament churches that are just as apparent in churches today. "The Seven Churches of Revelation" is a perfect resource to help individuals or small groups gain a new perspective on the book of Revelation. Discover how you can find courage to face challenges with the confidence of knowing that in the end, Jesus wins! WATCH THE FULL PLAYLIST:    • The 7 Churches of Revelation   Part 1:    • The 7 Churches of Revelation   Part 2:    • Ephesus | The 7 Churches of Revelation   Part 3:    • Smyrna | The 7 Churches of Revelation   Part 4:    • Pergamum | The 7 Churches of Revelation   Part 5:    • Sardis | The 7 Churches of Revelation   Part 6:    • Thyatira & Philadelphia | The 7 Churc...   Part 7:    • Laodicea | The 7 Churches of Revelation   #revelation #endtimes #sevenchurches #7churches SUPPORT OUR DAILY BREAD FILMS: FACEBOOK:   / odbfilms   INSTAGRAM:   / ourdailybre.  . WEBSITE:

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