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FIFA 21 / FIFA 20 Free Kicks Tutorial | Learn the NEW Technique (Knuckleball, Top Spin, Curved)
2019Sep 1
[Presented by EA Game Changer] In this FIFA 21 & FIFA 20 tutorial we explain the new free kick technique. Learn how to take free kicks with top spin, curve, a knuckleball or low driven. We explain the basic technique and different variants. The video was created with FIFA 20, but the free kick technique isn't changed in FIFA 21 and can be used in the same way. ▼More information about bPartGaming More FIFA 20 videos:    • FIFA 20 Videos   Driven Free Kick Tutorial:    • DRIVEN FREE KICK TUTORIAL | Score Eas...   Join our THE GUIDE discord channel: Interested in private coaching for FIFA 20 with Elite and Top100 players? Check out the early bird offers on our brand new coaching website: FIFA 20 per-order link: • • Thank you for your support! :) Follow us on twitter:   / theguide_bpg   For FIFA 20 we want to help you guys with information, tips and tricks as well as detailed tutorial videos to improve your gameplay! These videos combined together will form THE GUIDE, a project that has the vision to help all FIFA players from beginner to pro! This video gives a first overview on the new gameplay in FIFA 20 and we try to showcase new features. Follow TaZz on social media (german): Twitter: Instagram:   / benjamin_drexler   Facebook: Follow Georg on social media (german): Twitter:   / bpgcruzzave   Instagram:   / cruzzave   Facebook:   / bpgcruzzave   ► Music: Epidemic Sounds - #FIFA20 #FIFA20Tutorial #THEGUIDE

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